
SEO 101: How To Make Your Website Future Friendly


The term “SEO” has changed significantly over the years. When it first emerged in the early 2000s, search engine optimization was all about keyword stuffing and link building. It didn’t matter if you had relevant content or a solid user experience—if Google found your site and thought it looked spammy enough, your domain would be blacklisted. In 2019, SEO is more nuanced than ever before. To succeed in today’s world of digital marketing, you need to juggle multiple objectives at once: improving user experience while also boosting rankings on Google so that users can find your site when they search for something specific (or anything at all). SEO packages are worth to avail especially if your website has zero SEO optimization and link building works.


Content is king. It’s the backbone of your website, and it’s what brings people to you in the first place. It’s also what keeps them coming back for more. And if you want your site to be found online, content is an absolute must-have.

If I had to give one piece of advice about improving your website, it would be this: Step up your game with content that helps visitors find exactly what they need. If you can do that, then you’ll have no problem ranking in search engines or converting visitors into customers (and hopefully repeat customers).

Link building

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to your website. Link building is an important part of SEO because it provides a way for people to find your website.

Link building should be done ethically, so don’t pay for links or engage in black-hat tactics like buying links on shady sites, link farms and directories. You can find more information about getting quality links here:

Technical SEO

  • Use semantic HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Use a content management system (CMS).
  • Make sure your website is mobile friendly, as most people are accessing the Internet via their phones. Mobile-friendly websites are accessible on all devices, so don’t forget to test your site on smartphones or tablets.
  • Use markup

Four key tactics can make your website ready for the future.

It’s important to note that SEO is a moving target. As search algorithms change, so too must your approach. Although the same basic principles used to optimize websites in the past will continue to work into the future, there are some additional tactics you can employ now and in the coming years.

  • Content: Make sure your content is up-to-date and relevant for today’s users by updating it regularly with fresh information (and avoid outdated practices such as keyword stuffing or hidden text).
  • Link Building: Focus on earning links from high-quality sources like Wikipedia, reputable news outlets and reputable industry blogs instead of trying to build links solely through low-quality directories or guest posts on websites with little authority (this could result in a penalty from Google).
  • Technical SEO: Ensure that your site’s code is optimized for speed and mobile friendliness; this includes making sure pages load quickly across different web browsers and devices before they’re indexed by Google (a process known as crawling). You should also be familiar with any security issues that may affect your website so you can patch them immediately if needed (e.g., ensuring third parties aren’t leaking private data via DNS records). Finally, don’t forget about social signals—they’re another key part of any search engine optimization strategy!”


Let’s recap what we learned in this post:

Content is king. You need to have great content on your site to get traffic and rank well in search engines like Google. This may seem obvious, but it’s often overlooked by webmasters who focus too much on design or other factors not directly related to the user experience.

Link building is essential for ranking well in Google, especially if you want your website to appear organically at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Links are also an important part of increasing brand visibility because they give weight to your site when other websites link back or reference them within their own content.

In addition, it’s important that all links going into a page come from trusted sources so that visitors don’t click away from your website due to spammy-looking external links like those found on sites with low quality content written about topics unrelated related industry verticals; these types of links will only hurt your rankings over time!

Takeaways from this section include hiring professional copywriters versus relying solely on yourself when writing blog posts; getting backlinks from authoritative websites such as news outlets or universities rather than just anyone with something interesting about themselves online today’s world wide web is full of content that can be easily accessed at any time anywhere even offline via mobile devices! The SEO consultant Northern Beaches secure your rankings for top 5 as long as your stick with the plan.